How to Stop Burglars

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Nobody wants to have their home broken into. Nobody wants their things stolen. How can you stop this from happening? You need to improve your home security.


There are many ways to secure your home. Start out with the locks. Get high-quality door locks and deadbolts for every door that leads to the outside of your home. Some people may not worry so much about doors that open to the backyard or garage, but those are important, too. Thieves commonly hop over fences to get into backyards, knowing that back doors are less likely to be locked. They sometimes cruise neighborhoods looking for open garages, knowing that this is another easy entryway into a home. Keep that garage door closed and locked at all times.

When buying door locks don't just get the cheapest ones they sell. Sometimes there are only a few different key patterns, so you can get one key that opens all doors.  Unfortunately, that means other people in your area might have the exact same key. Best to avoid those kinds of locks. A good locksmith can make sure you are the only one with a key that opens all your doors. They can re-key your top quality locks so they all open with the same key.

But why even bother with a key when you can have a digital lock that opens with a code or card key.  These days a high-tech security system can control all your doors with the swipe of a card or maybe even facial ID. There are some with keypads so each member of your family can have their own code.  Why bother with different codes? Because this way, you can log into the system and find out of your kids really came straight home from school or if they stopped off somewhere else on the way home.  If everyone has their own code you can always tell when someone is home or not. You can even set up temporary codes for friends or visitors or even delivery people. When they no longer need access, you delete the codes and that person can no longer get in.


Burglars may not care what kind of locks you have.  A crowbar can pry open almost any lock. If they have been watching and know that no one is home, they might just pry open your front door and start loading your stuff into their nearby van. Most burglars are not like the clever cat burglars or high society Oceans Eleven style gangs. Nope. Nothing that glamorous. Most of them are junkies or bums just looking for easy pickings. They are looking for places with cheap doorknob locks and old door frames that are easy to break open.

What stops them in their tracks is a burglar alarm or security system. An alarm that makes a lot of noise can alert the neighbors and draw attention.  They don't want that. They really hate it when the cops show up while they are stealing your home theater system. How do the cops know?  Because you installed a fancy home security system that called the cops when it detected a problem. The cops show up and arrest them. No worries about them coming back to take more stuff after you replaced everything. No dealing with insurance companies. The burglars go to jail and you keep living your best life.

In many cases, if a burglar knows you have a security system, they won’t even break-in at all.  They will see the signs or stickers your home security company has posted about the premises and move on to the house next door that's not as well protected. This is where Affordable Home Security comes in.  We can get you quotes from several different home security companies and let you decide which one works best for you. Request your free quote now.