Clever Places to Hide Your Valuables at Home

burglar-w- jewelry


Everyone has valuables. It could be cold hard cash, precious heirlooms, or jewelry. Nobody wants to risk losing those valuables to burglars. Here’s a list of some clever spots you can hide small valuables and some tips for keeping them hidden.

  • Inside a Book. Stash your large bills in your favorite book. Make sure to keep the bills from sticking out and don’t put so many in that there is a visible bulge. Put the book back on the shelf and thieves will probably never find it. Just make sure you remember which book it is and never loan out, sell at a garage sale, or give away that book.
    freezer stocked with food and valuables
  • In the Freezer. Give a whole new meaning to the phrase cold cash. Put your bills in a freezer bag, seal it up, and put the stash at the back of your freezer. Even the most curious thief is unlikely to go that deep into your fridge. Be careful not to let anyone else clean out your freezer.
  • In a Jar or Plastic Bottle. An opaque (you can see through it) plastic bottle or an old mason jar makes a great hiding place for cash or small valuables. You can stash those cash-filled jars and bottles just about anywhere, from your garage to the kitchen cabinets. Just make sure your cleaning person doesn’t decide to get rid of those crappy old jars and bottles.
    sock drawer full of cash?
  • In Your Sock Drawer. If you have an old sock that you never wear anymore, just fill it up with your spare cash. Roll up the bills, stuff them into the sock and place it at the back of the sock drawer. The deeper you bury it, the better.
  • In the Pocket of an Old Jacket. Just pick a jacket or other piece of clothing and use the pockets to store your extra cash. A burglar is unlikely to go through all the clothing in your closet looking for cash.
    closet full of clothes
  • In a Filing Cabinet. If you want to hide cash in your home office, pick out a particular file folder and placing the cash inside. You will know where the money is, but no one else will. Lock the file cabinet for extra security.
  • Bury it in Your Backyard. You can place your valuables in a sturdy jar or plastic container and bury it in your backyard. Just make sure you have a marker to go by when it comes time to dig the booty up. Make sure you don’t have a dog that likes to dig holes and keep it away from any utility lines that might need to be dug up at soem point.
  • In the Fake Bottom of a Potted Plant. It looks like a vase of flowers or a potted plant, but on closer inspection, there is a false bottom that holds your valuables. You can buy these online. Even Martha Stewart sells them!
  • Taped to the Bottom of a Drawer. For convenience, it is easy to hide your valuables in the bedroom. The bottom of a dresser drawer is the perfect hiding spot. Just place your cash or documents in an envelope, seal it up and tape it securely to the bottom of a drawer. We’ve all seen this in the movies or on TV, so pick a drawer that doesn’t seem like an obvious place to hide valuables (use a nightstand instead of a desk drawer). 
  • Inside an Old Coffee Cup. Chances are pretty good that the person who burglarizes your home will not drink a cup of your coffee. That makes coffee cups great hiding places for your jewelry. Choose a cup, add your valuables, and place them at the back of your kitchen cabinet. Stack a few other old cups on top and nobody will ever look there.
  • Inside a Fake Book. The fake book may be a bit of a cliché, but as long as you choose one that looks real you should be fine. A large tome will give you plenty of room to store everything from your Rolex watch to your expensive diamond cufflinks. Amazon sells entire sets of false books that are intended to hide a modem or WiFi router, but these can also be handy for hiding valuables. Maybe you hide a small safe or lockbox in there.
    fake books

With all these hiding places, it’s very important not to forget about them or let other people go through your stuff in an effort to help you clean up. You don’t want them to accidentally discard, donate, or destroy your cache.  Hoarders should never use these methods for obvious reasons.

For extra security beyond these clever hiding places, please consider Affordable Home Security. They can make sure you have security cameras and burglar alarms protecting your valuables 24 hours a day 7 days a week.